Constructs a new DocumentManager instance.
The Zep client instance.
Adds a new collection to the Zep client.
The parameters for the new collection.
A promise that resolves to the new DocumentCollection instance.
If the request fails.
Deletes a collection from the Zep client.
The name of the collection to delete.
A promise that resolves when the collection is deleted.
If the collection name is not provided.
If the collection is not found.
If the request fails.
Retrieves a collection from the Zep client.
The name of the collection.
A promise that resolves to the DocumentCollection instance.
If the collection name is not provided.
If the collection is not found.
If the request fails.
Lists all collections in the Zep client.
A promise that resolves to an array of DocumentCollection instances.
If the request fails.
Updates a collection in the Zep client.
The parameters to update the collection.
A promise that resolves to the updated DocumentCollection instance.
If neither description nor metadata are provided.
If the request fails.
If the collection is not found.
DocumentManager provides methods to list, create, update, get, and delete Zep document collections.